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Discipling FAQ's

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How do you handle parents who want their children baptized?
Listen:  Windows_Media   Real_Player
  • You do not think children are proper subjects for baptism, correct? Why not?
  • So what do you say when Jim & Patti want 8yr old Jimmy Jr. baptized?
  • What is the worst thing that’s ever happened as a result of your holding to this view? 
  • What are some pitfalls to avoid when dealing with people on this issue?
How do you disciple someone?
Listen:  Windows_Media   Real_Player
  • What vehicles do you use to stimulate godly and edifying conversations with people?
  • What kinds of questions do you like to ask during discipleship appointments?
  • What are some constructive ways that you address sin in the lives of people you are discipling?
  • What are some things to avoid in making disciples?
How do you promote intergenerational fellowship?
Listen:  Windows_Media   Real_Player
  • Do you think age-graded Sunday school programs are helpful? Why (not)?
  • Do you think it’s necessary to implement a program or have special events to promote fellowship between younger and older believers? Why (no)?
  • What about intercultural fellowship?
What makes you think a whole-church Bible Study is such a good idea?
Listen:  Windows_Media   Real_Player
  • What kind of book do you study, and how do you prepare? Time investment?
  • Do you take the congregation through a general template each time?
  • What kinds of questions have you found it helpful to ask the congregation?
  • What are some pitfalls to avoid in leading a whole-church Bible study?
How do you conduct baptisms?
Listen:  Windows_Media   Real_Player
  • Give us a 60 second overview of what happens at a baptism service at CHBC.
  • Do you encourage baptismal candidates to share their testimony in a certain way? Why?
  • Why do you think immersion is the best mode?
How do you administer church discipline?
Listen:  Windows_Media   Real_Player
  • How do you decide which offenses should be disciplined?
  • Could you take us thru the discipline process in just a minute or two?
  • What are some pitfalls to avoid in administering church discipline?
How do you use small groups in your church?
Listen:  Windows_Media   Real_Player
  • What functions do you rely on small groups to perform?
  • Do you think SG’s are best used as entry points to the church? Why (not)?
  • Are SG’s integral to the healthy functioning of a local church? Why (not)?
How do you counsel women?
Listen:  Windows_Media   Real_Player
  • What do you say to women who feel slighted because of the limitations that precautions entail?
How do you counsel engaged couples?
Listen:  Windows_Media   Real_Player
  • What would you say are the two or three most important biblical and prudential or wisdom issues that you consider when you talk with an engaged couple?
  • How do you encourage young couples to think of their roles as husband and wife?
  • What materials have you found most useful in pre-marital counseling?
How do you counsel the grieving?
Listen:  Windows_Media   Real_Player
  • What biblical principles guide the way you counsel grieving people?
  • Do you think there's a balance between entering into a persons grief and retaining objectivity? If so, how do you do that?